Advanced Directives

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Advance Directives are legal documents that allow an individual to choose and give directions for their future medical care. Any person over age 18 who can make his or her own decisions can complete an advance directive form.

All patients have the right to participate in their own health care decisions and to make Advance Directive or to execute a Power of Attorney that authorizes others to make decisions on their behalf based on the patient’s wishes when the patient is unable to make decisions or unable to communicate decisions. Saint Clare Surgery Center respects and upholds those rights.

In the ambulatory care setting, if a patient should suffer a cardiac or respiratory arrest or other life-threatening situation, the staff would take all means to stabilize and transfer to a higher level of care. This will be true per our policies. If you have an Advanced Directive and bring a copy of it with you on the day of surgery, we will retain a copy for your medical record. In the event of an unexpected need to transfer to a higher level of care, we would include a copy of your Advance Directive as part of our handoff communication and medical record.

Download and complete the Ohio Advance Directive Forms packet that includes the health care power of attorney, living will donor registry enrollment and instructions.

Download Ohio Hospital Association’s Advance Directive Informational Brochure for more information on stating your wishes regarding medical treatment.

If this is not acceptable to you that our policy is to stabilize and transfer to a higher level of care, you must address this issue with your surgeon to be scheduled at an alternative location.